13. Kusochek - Phil Cavendish

13. Kusochek - Phil Cavendish

Cinematography, pop music and beyond.

Show notes

This week Lara interviews Phil Cavendish of SSEES, UCL about Soviet and Russian film, though the conversation veers in wonderful directions, even leading to a comparison of Lady Gaga and Britney Spears. Tune in to hear why Phil thinks he could write an entire module on just one Tarkovsky film and why he hates Love Actually and Irony of Fate (one of Lara’s favourite Soviet films!). Phil also shares a number of talented filmmakers from Russia, Ukraine and East Europe that listeners are recommended to explore.

Find Phil: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phil-cavendish-2aa7518/?originalSubdomain=uk

Find Lara: https://www.instagram.com/lolszowska/ https://uclpimedia.com/online/the-window-seat-st-petersburg

Find us via: https://www.russianartandculture.com/ https://www.instagram.com/rusartculture/ https://twitter.com/RusArtCulture https://www.facebook.com/RusArtCulture/

Music by Alexandr Solodchenko



Lara Olszowska

Lara Olszowska

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